Terms and conditions

These Terms and Conditions (T&C) set forth the terms and conditions that must be accepted by each party when using the www.taxhouse.ro website.

This website (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”) is administrated by Taxhouse SRL (hereinafter referred to as “Taxhouse S.R.L.”), with head-offices in Bucharest, Str. Popa Savu 79-8, 1st floor, 1st sector, recorded with the Trade Registry under no. J40/7994/2006, VAT number RO 18679070.

When accessing the Website, you agree to be bound by the rules and conditions set forth in T&C.  These Terms and Conditions may be amended at any time, and your use of this Website is subject to the current T&C version valid on the date of the use of the Website.  Please check regularly these Terms and Conditions to make sure that you agreed therewith.  If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, please do not use the Website.

In this document, the following terms used in capital letter, unless the context otherwise requires, shall have the meaning shown below:

  • Website: means the Website of Taxhouse SRL, located at address www.taxhouse.ro, which may be accessed by the User for information related to the services provided by Taxhouse SRL.
  • User / Client: is the person who accesses the Website, for private or professional purposes and who accepted to be bound by the Terms and Conditions of this Website, accomplishing for this purpose all registration requirements.
  • Abusive use: represents the use of the Website contrary to custom practices, to regulations and legislation in force, and in any other manner that may cause prejudices against Taxhouse SRL
  • Personal data: includes information like: name, phone number, e-mail address, company, position, address.  Such information may be updated at any time by the client with the support of Taxhouse representatives, by telephone or e-mail.
  • Newsletter: it represents a method for periodical notification, sent exclusively by electronic mail (e-mail) in relation to relevant information for a certain period, without any binding agreement from Taxhouse SRL concerning the information included therein.

By accessing the www.taxhouse.ro, the Users agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions presented herein, as well as by the applicable legislation.  The users of this Website must read carefully the following Terms and Conditions. The following Terms and Conditions are considered minimally applicable provisions, as the use of this Website is duly subject to the legislation in force.

The Terms and Conditions may be amended at any time by updating this website, and such amendments shall become be immediately applicable to all users.

Contents of the Taxhouse Website

Any information present on the Taxhouse Website may be visualized, visited, accessed by the website users.  The website includes information concerning our area of expertise, which includes direct local taxation of companies, international taxation, indirect taxes, tax administration (elaboration and submission of fiscal statements), tax representation, tax litigations and assistance for tax audits, as well as other services in the tax sector.

Intellectual property

All materials included in this Website represent the intellectual property of Taxhouse SRL. These materials cannot by multiplied or reproduced, except for the time when they are accessed online.  However, you may copy the specific materials provided for download or multiplication, but you cannot use the same for commercial purposes, as they are destined exclusively for personal, non-commercial purpose.  For any other question or requests for the use of materials on this website please contact us.

The Client is not allowed to copy, distribute, publish, transfer to third parties, change or alter in any way, use, connect to, expose to, to include any Content in any other context except for the original content intended by Taxhouse, to include any Content external to the Website, to remove the copyright marks of Taxhouse SRL concerning the Contents, as well as to participate in the transfer, sale, distribution of materials executed based on the reproduction, alteration or display of the Contents, unless written express approval is acquired from Taxhouse SRL.

Any Content to which the User has and / or acquires access by any means is subject to these Terms and Conditions of the Website, unless the Content is accompanied by a specific and valid User agreement concluded between Taxhouse SRL and such User, without any implicit or express guarantee from Taxhouse SRL concerning such Contents.

In case Taxhouse SRL allows the User to use, as per conditions set forth in a distinct User agreement, a specific Content to which the User has or acquires access based on such agreement, this right shall be applicable only for that Content that is expressly provided in the agreement, only during the time when such Content is posted on the Website or during the period established in the agreement, based on the established conditions, if the same are in force and do not represent a contractual engagement from Taxhouse SRL to the benefit of that respective User or any other third party that has / acquires access to such Content that is transferred by any means and that may be or is prejudiced in any way by this Content, during or after expiration of the User agreement.

Any Content sent to the User by any means of communication (whether electronic, by phone, etc.) or acquired by the User through the accessing, visiting and / or visualization does not give rise to any contractual obligation under the liability of Taxhouse SRL and / or its representative who mediated the transfer of Contents, if any, for such Contents. The use of Contents in other purposes except from those expressly allowed in these T&C or in the accompanying User agreement, if any, is prohibited.


We request any User to act honestly and ethically when using the Website.

Security of the use of the website www.taxhouse.ro.

Please notify promptly to www.taxhouse.ro on any inadequate, unauthorized, improper, or illegal use of your personal data or any other Security issue that may occur on our website.

Confidentiality and personal data processing

We respect the confidentiality of client’s data and we undertake to prevent disclosure of such data to third parties, and to use such data exclusively for the purpose for which they were entered, and for periodical notifications, in case you expressly provided your agreement for this purpose.  Personal data processing is subject to our Privacy Policy, which is an integral part of these Terms and Conditions, available here.

When using this website, expressly agree with our Privacy Policy.


We assume no liability for: any damage (whether direct, indirect, accidental or otherwise) arising from the use or impossibility of use of the data posted on the Website and for any errors or omissions of the Content that may cause any losses.

The information posted on the Website may be reproduced in printed form only for personal use.

The information posted on the Website cannot be reproduced, disseminated or made available to other parties or incorporated in any form in any document or material without the prior consent of the authors of such information.

Taxhouse SRL reserves the right to update and change, at any time, the Terms and Conditions of the Website, to reflect any changes in the Website’s operation and conditions or changes of legal requirements.

Taxhouse SRL shall not be held liable for any prejudices caused following Website malfunctions and for those caused by non-accessibility of certain links published on the Website. We waive any liability for any situation that might occur due to software errors or technical malfunctions of the server.